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Scott Wittig is a 15 year veteran of the mortgage industry who had an itch to do something bigger. After going through a journey that included a lot of reading, coaching and growing, he identified his purpose in life, which he has boiled down to three words –


In order to fulfill on that purpose, Scott managed to carve out time during the best and worst two years that the mortgage industry has seen to write his first book entitled – Holy IT! A Guide to Finding and Doing Your Thing – Your ‘IT’ which he likes to say is “a little book from a little guy with a big idea.” The premise of the book builds on his personal experience that it is possible to serve your purpose or pursue your passion without quitting your job and that the answer to how to do this may be right under your nose.

Scott has also created, tested and developed do IT groups™ which are mastermind groups built on various aspects of coaching and group interaction. These groups have proven to fill a void that exists in the life of many small business owners and individuals who are seeking an environment of input and accountability to get help with their purpose, passion or project that they have been putting off.

His idea is simple: read book, identify your ‘IT’ and join a do IT group™ to make ‘IT’ happen.

Scott and his wife Jeanne live in Apex, North Carolina where they are raising their two children, Ella and Kyle.

For more information, please visit

Today’s Brilliance from Scott Wittig

Surprise!!! Let's pretend that you just walked into a surprise party - for you. Look around. Who is in the room? Most likely all of the people who are closest to you. Your immediate family. Maybe your parents. A few of your neighbors. A couple of co-workers? Some friends from previous jobs or neighborhoods? Your boss? Maybe people from when you were growing up or people you went to school with? A microcosm of your life is in that room. Now pretend I walked in behind you, asked everyone to be quiet and posed this question: "WHAT SHOULD _________ (insert…

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